“GLOBAL PEACE 2030” agenda means to bring Peace on Earth before 2030 ending all forms of fighting and violence.
“GLOBAL PEACE 2030” project has been Initiated by Mr. Hum KC "Sappan" whose aim is to bring peace on Earth, where all governments world wide and conflicting parties come together before 2030 with the common goal of Global peace.

Goal Targets

“GLOBAL PEACE 2030” activist Mr. KC’s main Goals are as mentioned below:

  • A world free of nuclear weapons.
  • End violent deaths, torture, abuse, exploitation, discrimination, human trafficking, corruption, and organized crime.
  • Disarmament and elimination of global large or small arms production, trade, and exportation around the world.
  • Resolution of border issues and territorial disputes around the world.
  • End ethnic, religious, and political violence.
  • Promote the rule of law at national and international levels to ensure equal access to justice for all.
  • All nations reduce defense military budgets and increase budgets related to world peace.
  • Provision of funds to war-torn countries by developed countries to help the industry in the agriculture sectors instead of military assistance.
  • Boost employment and prevent young people from resorting to violence as a result of unemployment and starvation.
  • Secure peace, stability, human rights, and effective governance, based on law enforcement.
  • Eliminate the complicated and repressive visa process that rejects the safety of refugees, asylum seekers, and impoverished people.
  • End the flow of illicit arms and strengthen the participation of developing countries in the institutions of global governance.