My organization, The Europe Peace Foundation (EPF), has been working nonstop for the agenda of World Peace by 2030. I urge all world leaders, dissidents, and armed groups to join hands and stand up for my “GLOBAL PEACE 2030” agenda. I have requested the world to renounce arms wars, nuclear weapons, violence, strife, and bitterness and come to a peace process. Let us all support each other and work together to make my Global Peace plan a grand success.

Millions of innocent people across the globe suffer and this number rises as conflicts of war and violence continue. Wars in developing countries have devastating human, economic, environmental, and social effects. These consequences are a major cause of poverty and underdevelopment.

Nearly 80 million people were forcibly displaced worldwide by the end of last year as a result of violence, persecution, and human rights violations. Forced displacement has become more widespread.

Armed violence has a destructive impact on a country’s development, affecting economic growth, and often resulting in grievances that last for generations. Sexual violence, crime, exploitation, and torture are prevalent where there is a conflict or a lack of security. Countries should take adequate measures to protect those who are most at risk.

There are at least 10 million stateless people who have been denied a nationality and related human rights. 1 billion people are legally ‘invisible’ because they cannot prove their national identity. This includes an estimated 625 million children under 14 whose births were never registered, as well as 49 countries that lack laws protecting women from domestic violence.

Millions of people have been continuously displaced by ethnic and religious violence. There are several strategies for the transformation of religion into a force for peace.

  • The pursuit of dialogue between different religions, as religion itself offers a source of peace in motivating believers toward tolerance and acceptance.
  • The call for dialogue is the call for education within various faith traditions.
  • The strategy of fostering economic development, especially as it benefits the poor and is marginalized in any religious society.
  • The strengthening of democracy on both national and local levels.
  • Artfully promote the values of democracy, along with economic development.

There are many peace organizations and governments around the world, but they are not doing anything for global peace, even by a minimal one percent. Peace in the world is possible through the work of my organization, The Europe Peace Foundation. We plan to bring peace to the world before the year 2030. Therefore, we need your help to persuade all world leaders, armed groups, dissidents, and governments to join the 2030 peace agenda and convey the message that the people of the world want peace.

Goal targets

  • A world free of nuclear weapons.
  • End violent deaths, torture, abuse, exploitation, discrimination, human trafficking, corruption, and organized crime.
  • Disarmament and elimination of global large or small arms production, trade, and exportation around the world.
  • Resolution of border issues and territorial disputes around the world.
  • End ethnic, religious, and political violence.
  • Promote the rule of law at national and international levels to ensure equal access to justice for all.
  • All nations reduce defense military budgets and increase budgets related to world peace.
  • Provision of funds to war-torn countries by developed countries to help the industry in the agriculture sectors instead of military assistance.
  • Boost employment and prevent young people from resorting to violence as a result of unemployment and starvation.
  • Secure peace, stability, human rights, and effective governance, based on law enforcement.
  • Eliminate the complicated and repressive visa process that rejects the safety of refugees, asylum seekers, and impoverished people. 
  • End the flow of illicit arms and strengthen the participation of developing countries in the institutions of global governance.
Sappan KC, HUM
For further information, please contact:
Telephone: (+34) 910 231 214, Press/Media:  


Dialogue and Mediation

The GP2030 encourages open dialogue with all members of a community as a necessary step for addressing conflict through non-violence and fostering peaceful coexistence. Our professional staff and partners work with participatory methods focused on eliciting transparency and accuracy in different perspectives and grievances and mediating through negotiation and law. The Global Peace 2030 works with different levels of conflict and actors yet always maintains a focus on universal human rights and equality.

The GP2030 is committed to empowering civil society and activists with advocacy tools and serving as an interface for dialogue involving local organizations and governments or corporations. Dialogue that examines differences, exchanges information and looks for alternatives can have a significant effect on the impact of mediation and agreements.

Conflict-Resolution and Peace Management

The Global Peace 2030 advises parties on cooperative strategies to resolve conflict and enhance the role and responsibility of civil society in transiting away from conflict towards peace. The GP2030 facilitates to each and all parties involved in conflict and dispute the use of mediation tools, training and consultation services designed to expand negotiations geared towards conciliation and cooperation. Through assistance and training to individuals and groups, mediated communication can result in agreed-upon steps to immediately reduce violence while steadily advancing civil society bonds and strengthening of the rule of law.

The GP2030 assists individuals and groups in their training to carry out a transparent and open mediation process, reach consensus when possible, and define measures of accountability to set change in motion. At the same time, The GP2030 works with international observers and governments to regulate disputes and provide professional services and counsel to grass roots organizations fighting for the defense of human rights and to secure that the proposed outcomes of mediated conflict-resolution are inclusive and democratic.

Stability and Development

Once agreements have been reached in efforts to resolve conflicts, a phase of accountability and monitoring by third parties is necessary to ensure parties subscribe to and uphold their commitments. The GP2030 can monitor post-conflict steps and accords by securing legal accountability and, when necessary, the presence of on the ground observers and peace-keeping missions. Continued monitoring and follow-ups pressure parties to adhere to negotiations and consequences. Through advocacy and diplomatic channels, the EPF continues its appeal to governments and organizations to commit to the eradication of human rights violations and other abuses.

Development and investment that directly improves the lives of people and strengthen public services that benefit all members of a community can create lasting bonds amongst previously hostile groups and create alternatives to unequal distribution of resources and violence.

Election Monitoring

As a neutral third-party and non-partisan mediator, the Global Peace 2030 is well positioned to monitor electoral processes, including the dissemination of information to all sectors of society and geographical extension, setting up of voting stations accessible to all voters, monitoring voting process and vote counts, and confirming results based on the accuracy and transparency of all steps involved.